Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms (PPO and PPO2)

Recall that from Off-Policy Gradient Methods, the objective function is

J^{\theta’}(\theta) &= \hat{\mathbb{E}} _{(s_t, a_t) \sim \pi _{\theta’} (\tau)} \bigg[ \frac{\pi _{\theta}(a_t | s_t)}{\pi _{\theta’}(a_t | s_t)} A^{\theta’}(s_t, a_t) \bigg]

We learned that from Importance Sampling, the two distributions shouldn’t differ too much, therefore in PPO, they added a constraint term:

J ^{\theta’} _{PPO} (\theta) = J ^{\theta’} (\theta) - \beta KL(\theta, \theta’)

Where $\beta$ is a weight, this constraint term ensures that $\theta$ and $\theta’$ are similar.

Before PPO, there was a method called TRPO (Trust Region Policy Optimization), and its objective function is

J ^{\theta’} _{TRPO}(\theta) &= \hat{\mathbb{E}} _{(s_t, a_t) \sim \pi _{\theta’}(\tau)} \bigg[ \frac{\pi _{\theta}(a_t | s_t)}{\pi _{\theta’}(a_t | s_t)} A ^{\theta’}(s_t, a_t) \bigg] \

with constrain $KL(\theta, \theta’) < \delta$. We can see that PPO and TRPO are similar, but PPO puts the constraint term into its objective function. Therefore, in practice, PPO is easier to implement.

$KL(\theta, \theta’)$ is to ensure that the behavior (output) of $\theta$ and $\theta’$ are similar, but not their parameters (weights). Think $\theta$ and $\theta’$ as neural networks. Given a state $s_t$, they both will output a distribution of actions. KL divergence is to ensure that these two distributions are similar.

Overall, the method is as follows:

  1. Initiate the policy parameters $\theta^0$

  2. In each iteration,

    • Use $\theta^k$ to interact with the environment to collect ${s_t, a_t}$ and compute advantage $A^{\theta^{k}}(s_t, a_t)$
    • Find $\theta$ optimizing $J_{PPO}(\theta)$

    J ^{\theta^{k}} _{PPO}(\theta) &= J ^{\theta ^{k}}(\theta) - \beta KL(\theta, \theta^{k}) \\
    &= \sum _{(s_t, a_t)} \frac{ \pi _{\theta}(a_t | s_t)}{\pi _{\theta^k} (a_t | s_t)} A ^{\theta^{k}}(s_t, a_t) - \beta KL(\theta, \theta ^{k})

    • Pre-define maximum and minimum values for $KL$. If $KL(\theta, \theta^k) > KL_{\max}$, increase $\beta$. Otherwise, decrease $\beta$.

Since $KL(\theta, \theta’)$ could increase computation overheads, they also introduce PPO2, which the objective function is

J ^{\theta^{k}} _{PPO2}(\theta) \approx \sum _{(s_t, a_t)} \min \bigg( & \frac{\pi _{\theta}(a_t | s_t)}{\pi _{\theta^k} (a_t | s_t)} A^{\theta^{k}}(s_t, a_t), \\
& \operatorname{clip} \bigg( \frac{\pi _{\theta}(a_t | s_t)}{\pi _{\theta^k} (a_t | s_t)}, 1 - \epsilon, 1 + \epsilon \bigg) A ^{\theta^{k}}(s_t, a_t) \bigg)

This objective is easier to implement, and ensures that $\theta$ doesn’t differ too much from $\theta^k$ by:

  • When $A > 0$, means that the given $(s_t, a_t)$ is good. Therefore, we should optimize $\theta$ by increasing the probability of $a$ given $s$. But, the difference between $\theta$ and $\theta^k$ is clipped by $1 + \epsilon$. See the $\min$ and $\operatorname{clip}$.
  • Similarly, when $A < 0$, Therefore, we should optimize $\theta$ by reducing the probability of $a$ given $s$. The difference between $\theta$ and $\theta^k$ is clipped by $1 - \epsilon$. See the $\min$ and $\operatorname{clip}$.

In the PPO2 algorithm, we will no longer need to calculate the $KL$ while imposing the same constraint.